• The waitlist is a system that allows you to be booked in a class automatically IF a cancellation occurs. . Please note that the waitlist proceeds in order, always ensure your place on the waitlist. You may also remove your self from the waitlist with no penalty at all. Your credit will not be deducted until you are officially in the class.

  • You will be receiving an email with a class confirmation no later than 12 hours of the class start time. Note that it may be before depending on how early the cancellation occurred. Make sure to check you spot on the waitlist often to not miss out.

  • Yes! We recommend viewing the schedule beforehand to ensure your spot in the class. Schedule updates every weekend.

  • We understand with our studios limited capacity of 4 reformers it may be difficult to ensure a class slot so we do recommend viewing our schedule beforehand. You may reach out via email for any further concerns. Please make sure to book accordingly to schedule within your credit time frame.